Doomsday Stewed Salted Fish

Hey, first of all, thanks for reading my lousy Machine Translation. To be honest, I’d really like it if you guys corrected the mistakes I made. But please speak nicely and politely. My heart is not strong enough to read your too-harsh comments. Have a nice day.

Chapter 6. (1/2)

Fenghuo and Meng Lianying teamed up to move Gu Fan’s alchemy furnace to the car.

Gu Fan didn’t want them to waste their efforts. Still, a space crystal comparable to the capacity of an off-road vehicle could cause a bloody battle between mercenaries. Her storage jade bracelet could hold a football field. The risk of exposure was too great. Gu Fan would rather take the trouble to cover it up carefully and send Fenghuo and the others some more good medicine as compensation in the future.

Returning to the base, the three did not return to the villa immediately but went to the city center.

Gu Fan bought some daily necessities. She didn’t choose the clothes brand, as long as they fit well and looked good. She bought bath soap to cover up her cleaning skills. She picked an expensive laptop because she would use the laptop to search for a lot of things. Finally, Gu Fan also wanted to buy herself a mobility car.

A friendly reminder from Fenghuo: “If you want to drive, you must first obtain a driver’s license.”

Gu Fan: “Isn’t this a very simple skill?”

She had already learned it just by watching them play.

Meng Lianying smiled with his white teeth: “Even if you are born to be a car expert, you still have to get a driver’s license first; otherwise, once you are found out, you will have to go to jail again.”

So, Gu Fan failed to buy the car and first signed up for the driving license test.

After the registration was over, the three of them went to the city hall again.

An area in the city hall is dedicated to issuing various mercenary missions.

Gu Fan came here mainly to visit and understand the process. After walking around for a while, she left.

Back at the villa, Gu Fan said hello to the other team members and returned to the room with her newly bought notebook.

Fenghuo had already set up some basic settings for her notebook. Gu Fan leaned on the soft and comfortable bedside. It eagerly flipped through an e-book – “Encyclopedia of Plants – The Latest Edition of the End Times.”

Her inventory of elixirs and spiritual herbs is limited. If she wants to develop sustainably on earth, she must understand what spiritual herbs are available here.

The same plant has different names in the Cultivation Continent and in humans. Every time she sees a high-definition photo of a familiar medicinal herb, Gu Fan takes a screenshot and saves it in a specially created “herbal medicine” folder.

She was so hungry but didn’t even go downstairs for lunch. It wasn’t until evening that the search and proofreading task was completed.

To sum up, all the “unpopular” elixirs refined by Gu Fanhui can be found on the earth, including the muscle-building and blood-tonifying elixirs, and even the herbs used by cultivators in the foundation-building stage, most of the herbs are in deep mountains and old forests, where monsters are everywhere, the more precious the medicinal herbs are, the higher the risk of collecting them.

Gu Fan touched her chin. As she expected, she also needed to issue a mission. She didn’t know if any mercenaries were willing to take it. After all, collecting herbs required a lot of eyesight. She still needs to pay the reward if they pick the wrong ones after a long time. The money is not free, so use it sensibly. What if she encounters a powerful and arrogant mercenary waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on her?

“Fan Fan, come downstairs for dinner!”

Fenghuo’s voice came up. Gu Fan rubbed her long hair and went down with her notebook in his arms.

Fenghuo was serving food outside and saw her walking down in a long dress with messy black hair. She didn’t care about her image because of her beauty. Fenghuo lightly clicked his tongue: “Fanfan, have you also been harmed by the game?”

There was also a stage when he was obsessed with games. Not only eating, but also holding his laptop when going to the toilet.

Gu Fan didn’t understand what he meant and looked towards the living room.

Taishan, Qingteng, and Meng Lianying were sitting on the floor, playing cards. Xinghe was sitting on the sofa wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, holding a newspaper in his hand.

Xinghe seems to like reading newspapers.

Gu Fan decisively walked to Xinghe and sat down, turning the laptop screen towards him: “Captain, I need these herbs to make elixirs. What do you think, if I issue this kind of herb collection task, will there be mercenaries to take it?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Meng Lianying and Qingteng both came over and looked at the screen curiously.

Taishan also stood behind the sofa.

Everyone is very interested in Gu Fan’s alchemy skills.

Xinghe put down the newspaper, put the notebook on his lap, swiped the screen with his slender fingertips, and carefully browsed Gu Fan’s screenshots of herbal medicines.

Each herb picture has its name and an introduction to its common growing places. Some rare herbs only grow in a specific mountainous or lake area.

“Take the hair growth pill as an example. You sell a hair growth pill for 50 points, and the raw material requires two Aconitum plants. Then how much reward are you prepared to provide when you issue the task?”

Gu Fan: “Aconitum grows in patches. If you find one plant, you can collect at least ten. I split it 50-50 with the mercenaries. Ten Aconitum plants can make five hair growth pills, so I will give them to the mercenaries. Can I offer you a reward of one hundred and twenty-five points?”

Meng Lianying crossed his arms and thought: “Any C-level monster can be exchanged for a hundred points. It is much easier to find than collecting medicine. Considering the reward alone, your mission does not attract mercenaries. Let’s put it this way, If I find Aconitum while doing other tasks, I will pick it by the way. If I don’t find it, I probably won’t waste time looking for it. There are so many weeds out there that it would be too troublesome to identify them.”

Gu Fan frowned slightly.

Xinghe looked at her and said: “Most mercenaries should be like Fenghuo. Whether to pick herbs or not is full of randomness. If you are not short of merit points, you can try posting tasks and wait patiently. If you want to have a stable source of income, I suggest you follow us on the mission. You only need to be responsible for collecting herbs, and we will try our best to protect your safety.”

This is a very sincere invitation.

Gu Fan hesitated.

She wanted to buy a single-family villa and a shop. However she was short of merit points and relied on random collection by mercenaries, which was too slow.

There are many dangers outside the base. She believes that Meng Lianying and others will not harm her. But when they are really in danger, how much effort can they devote to protecting her, a casual friend, when they are too busy to take care of themselves?

Gu Fan cherishes her life and doesn’t like taking risks.

If she had to choose, she would rather slowly accumulate merit points or protect her life to the maximum extent.

She is an ant that has wandered twice the gate of hell.

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