Doomsday Stewed Salted Fish

Hey, first of all, thanks for reading my lousy Machine Translation. To be honest, I’d really like it if you guys corrected the mistakes I made. But please speak nicely and politely. My heart is not strong enough to read your too-harsh comments. Have a nice day.

Chapter 2. (2/2)

The 27-year-old S-class expert is called Lu Ya.

The Lu family is very powerful, with a total of three S-level experts. Lu Ya’s grandfather, Lu Sheng, is seventy-eight this year. He is one of the first batch of superpowers who grew up when the great radiation came. The Jiangnan Base was established by a group of powerful organizations led by Lu Sheng. Therefore, Lu Sheng was naturally promoted to be the first of the four marshals of the Jiangnan Base.

Lu Ya’s father, Lu Rong, was also an S-class strongman, but he died in a battle to clear out monsters ten years ago and died young.

When it’s about Lu Ya, he was detected to have S-level metal powers as soon as he was born. At the age of twelve, he began to participate in the military war to clear out monsters. Up to now, Lu Ya has become the young commander of the 250,000-strong Lu family army at the base, with outstanding military exploits. His military achievements are outstanding, and his voice in the base surpasses that of his grandfather, Marshal Lu.

Gu Fan really didn’t expect that even when she was put in a cell, she would be related to Lu Ya’s cousin.

However, with Lu Ya supporting Meng Lianying, it was indeed safer for her to be with Meng Lianying for the time being.

“You are the first friend I met at the Jiangnan base. That’s okay. Before I get familiar with this place, I will stay with you first.”

Seemingly, after careful consideration, Gu Fan accepted Meng Lianying’s invitation.

Meng Lianying was very happy. With Gu Fan’s medicine, it would be safer for their mercenary team to go out on missions.

“By the way, why were you imprisoned?”

Gu Fan became angry when he mentioned this: “I set up a stall on the roadside and sold medicine in exchange for merit points. They insisted on saying that I was selling fake medicine. They confiscated my medicine and even detained me for three days.”

Meng Lianying’s voice was even louder: “Have all your medicines been confiscated?”

Gu Fan patted her pocket: “There are a few more hidden here.”

Meng Lianying is also anxious. These are life-saving medicines. What a waste if the police treat them as fake medicines and destroy them!

Meng Lianying immediately dialed Lu Ya’s number.

It lasted for about a minute before the communication was connected, and the cold and unhappy voice came out again: “I am in a meeting.”

Meng Lianying: “Cousin, I have a friend who has also been imprisoned. There are very important things in her backpack. You call Bureau Zhao and ask their people not to touch the things in her bag.”

Lu Ya: “What’s your friend’s name?”

“Gu Fan, a medicine seller.”

A clear and ethereal voice sounded. It was Gu Fan who answered for Meng Lianying. After all, Meng Lianying didn’t know her name yet.

The other end of the communication paused briefly and then hung up.

Meng Lianying breathed a long sigh of relief and smiled at Gu Fan: “Don’t worry, although my cousin looks down on me, he is still responsive to my requests in other aspects, and he will definitely handle this matter.”

Gu Fan envied him very much. Meng Lianying’s status in the Jiangnan base was that he was a relative of the leader of a certain large sect. You can sit back and relax and act arrogantly.

Envy is envy. Gu Fan has long since accepted her fate. She is just a low-level minion. Having a skill and making money to support herself is already very good.

“I hope you can keep it a secret for me about the muscle-building and blood-tonifying pills.”

Gu Fan looked at Meng Lianying and discussed seriously: “Grandpa didn’t give me many high-grade medicines. I’m afraid that if the news gets out, everyone will come to me to buy them and cause trouble. Grandpa is used to keeping a low profile. He only wants me to take some ordinary medicines and sell them for merit points to buy a house and live. The muscle-building and blood-replenishing pills were left by him to save my life. If you weren’t too seriously injured, I wouldn’t have taken them out.”

Meng Lianying said unexpectedly: “That’s it, okay then, don’t worry, unless you want, I promise not to tell anyone else, including my teammates.”

Gu Fan smiled at him and said, “Thank you. The first time I saw you, I felt that you were a good and trustworthy person.”

Meng Lianying lived to be twenty years old. It was the first time that a beautiful girl trusted him so much. He couldn’t help but feel hot in his heart and secretly vowed not to let her down.

A man and a woman, who looked similar in age but were actually eighty years apart, communicated in the cell through two layers of bars. Meng Lianying was introducing the situation in the base and what the prices of certain things and house prices were. Gu Fan winked with clear black eyes. She listened with relish.

Her ignorance of the base is exactly in line with her self-made identity as a retail investor.

Finally, the time began to approach six o’clock in the afternoon.

Meng Lianying began to become nervous and walked around the cell. Gu Fan watched him walk around a few times and said with a smile, “You seem to be very afraid of your cousin.”

Meng Lianying complained: “You will know later.”

Finally, the sound of the door opening was heard in the distance, and someone saluted respectfully: “Young Marshal!”

“Well, where is he?”

“This way, I will lead the way for you.”

Meng Lianying gritted his teeth and went to lie down on the wooden bed.

Gu Fan sat at the end of the bed facing the aisle, waiting to admire the grace of an S-level powerhouse.

Accompanied by steady and powerful footsteps, a man in black military uniform walked into her sight. He was tall, taller than the cell door. His side face was handsome and cold, just like the countless high-level cultivators Gu Fan had looked up to. His eyes were worldly, and he was focused on asking questions.

Suddenly, he turned around and locked his sharp eyes accurately on her face.

Gu Fan habitually lowered her eyes and bowed her head slightly to show respect.

Lu Ya took one more look at her fair and smooth face and walked to Meng Lianying’s cell door.

The author’s side story:

Lu Ya: How old are you?

Gu Fan: Exactly one hundred years old.

Lu Ya & Meng Lianying & Police Officer Wang: …

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