One Can’t Judge by Appearance #8

Chapter 8. Who will fight?

“Who the hell dares to beat Lao Tzu!”

(Lao Tzu: The name by which is not a personal name but an honorific title meaning ‘Old Man’ or ‘Old Master’)

Ma Jun’s head hit the windshield, his head buzzed, and he didn’t react for a long time. He shook his head and remembered that he had been beaten in front of many people. The anger in his heart was like a big barrel of oil met with a torch, and it was burning.

“Fuck you…” He only had time to say two commonly used four-character curses, and he was pressed hard on the front cover of the car, and his nose hit the cover. He almost couldn’t hold back his man’s tears, “You let me go. I tell you, it’s not good for you to offend me.”

Ma Jun felt a little guilty in his heart, but he didn’t want to make himself too embarrassed in front of so many people.

“Oh?” Yuan Yi grabbed the hair on the back of Ma Jun’s head and pulled him up from the car cover. “Racing a car on the road, not following the traffic rules, and almost killing me, which big man are you, can you be so lawless?!”

The people watching the excitement suddenly applauded. It’s okay to have money and power, but driving around in the street harms others and yourself.

If the Lamborghini hit today was a car with average safety performance, who doesn’t know that the owner would suffer multiple injuries?

From a legal perspective, the act of beating is wrong. Still, emotionally, they can’t wait for the Lamborghini owner to be beaten up. Yuan Yi’s words aroused the applause of everyone, and they raised their mobile phones to slap Ma Jun fiercely, waiting for him to speak harshly.

The last-second-generation ancestor who dared to do this pitted not only himself but also his family.

“Let go,” Ma Jun was still a little sensible. He didn’t yell, “Who is my dad” and “Who is my grandpa” in public. He wanted to hit Yuan Yi, but he didn’t know Yuan Yi easily hid beside him. Instead, he hit the air himself, staggered, and fell to the ground.

The onlookers roared with laughter.

“The traffic police is here.”

When the two traffic policemen came to see the scene, they felt a little pain in their foreheads. Lamborghini hit the Cayenne, causing the Cayenne to lose control and crash into Ferrari. The three cars collided together. Within two hours, the news was about to be published. Great forum.

Seeing the traffic police coming, Ma Jun’s tone suddenly became frantic. He pointed at Yuan Yi: “Traffic police, he beats me.”

Yuan Yi put his hand in his trouser pocket and glanced at Ma Jun squinting without even opening his mouth. All the movements up and down all over his body expressed his disdain for Ma Jun.

Seeing that Yuan Yi didn’t speak, the traffic police politely said, “This gentleman, please show me your driving and driver’s licenses.” Seeing this young man’s unhappy face, the traffic police thought he would not cooperate, but he didn’t know that he touched his trouser pocket, took out a small wallet, and handed it to them.

“Hey, what did I say to you?” Ma Jun asked unhappily, “He is breaking the law by hurting people, right? If you don’t care, I will find a lawyer to sue him.”

“Sir, please rest assured, we will do it impartially,” the traffic police saluted him, “please show your credentials.” He faintly smelled alcohol on Ma Jun and turned to his colleague, “These two gentlemen take a look at the alcohol content.”

“Where is another party involved?” The traffic policeman finished the alcohol test for Yuan Yi. He looked around while extending the alcohol tester in front of Ma Jun.

“Uncle police, I’m here.” Yan Xi was holding a bottle of mineral water. Two enthusiastic girls supported her, and two boys worried that Yan Xi would be affected by the fight between the two male drivers, so they stopped In front of her.

The traffic police wanted to say that he was only thirty years old, not yet the age to be called an uncle, but when he saw Yan Xi, he swallowed this sentence. The young girl looked soft and weak, and he feared that the other party would be even more uncomfortable if he said this.

After handing over her driving license to the traffic police, Yan Xi turned to thank the enthusiastic people who were guarding her repentantly. After reassuring her that she was okay, these enthusiastic people only turned back and left one step at a time.

When they left, they couldn’t help but look at Yuan Yi with their eyes, fearing that he was at a loss, and turned his head and started beating Yan Xi.

“If something happens to me.. take him away from me.” Ma Jun pushed away from the traffic police, turned his head, made a phone call, turned his head, and snorted at the traffic police as if a fairy was looking at a humble mortal.

“Tsk,” Yan Xi rolled her eyes, “it was drunk driving at first glance. Otherwise, what is your guilty conscience?”

“Smelly lady, you shut up. Believe it or not, I slap you twice.” Ma Jun pointed at Yan Xi, “get out of here.”

“Uncle traffic police, he threatened me in front of you.” Yan Xi hid behind the traffic police in a few small steps, “I drove the car well, and this Lamborghini was running around the street like a loach. If it weren’t for him, these things wouldn’t happen. I have a driving recorder in my car, which can be used as evidence.”

“Damn,” Ma Jun didn’t expect this seemingly courageous woman to say this. He pointed at Yan Xi several times, “You have guts.”

“This gentleman, please pay attention to your words and deeds, and please cooperate with our work.” the traffic police dared to be so rampant when they saw Ma Jun in front of them. They pointed to the law enforcement recorder. “We turn on the law enforcement recorder, and all your words and deeds are clearly recorded.”

The traffic policeman holding the law enforcement recorder stepped forward, blocking Yan Xi behind him.

Ma Jun drank a few glasses of wine and was beaten by Yuan Yi just now. He was already on fire. Now that the little traffic policeman and the ladies dared to make irresponsible remarks about him, He didn’t have much reason to be sensible, “Get out of here, Lao Tzu will clean her up today.”

“Who will clean up?” Yuan Yi, who had been standing next to him without saying a word, stepped forward, kicked Ma Jun to the ground, and kicked him a few more times, “Who do you say you want to clean up? You are a fucking old man. Are you still capable of beating women?”

His kicking movements were so fast that even the two traffic policemen did not react. By the time they reacted, poor Ma Jun was already crying on the ground.

“Do not fight.”

“Stop it now!”

They all drive luxury cars. Can’t they act like wealthy people with luxury cars and leave some room for doing things?

Yan Xi sneaked out from behind the traffic policeman. While the two traffic policemen stepped forward to pull Yuan Yi, she took the opportunity to slam Ma Jun twice with high heels. Then quickly retracted her foot and stood on the side honestly.

Yuan Yi noticed her little action:…

“Ouch!” When he was beaten by Yuan Yi, Ma Jun felt a dull pain. It was a sharp pain when Yan Xi stepped on him in high heels. He couldn’t help it anymore. He screamed, and after fighting back the tears for a long time, tears finally caught his eyes.

Yan Xi twisted her ankle and looked down at the ground.

The two traffic police turned around in confusion. What’s wrong?

In the end, the three of them were taken back to the traffic police team place. After there were no onlookers, Ma Jun patted the table of the traffic police team with imposing momentum, “Do you know who my cousin is?” He is the son-in-law of the Xu family and the brother-in-law of Chairman Changfeng’s wife!”

“No matter who your relative is, we will enforce the law impartially.” The traffic policeman who handled this case was stunned and gritted his teeth to endure the anger. “Mr. Ma, because you drank and drove, we will deduct your driver’s license. And you will be detained and fined in accordance with the law.”

Violating traffic rules and wanting to suppress others with power, what kind of virtue?!

Yan Xi listened to Ma Jun’s yelling voice and glanced at her watch with some worry. Her father would be worried if she went home late, but if he knew that she had been in a small car accident, her father would be more worried.

It wasn’t a big event at first, but with his dad’s character, it would turn into a big event.

If this surname Ma had something to do with the Changfeng family, their family would not be able to offend them. After all, they don’t even have the qualifications to hold the Changfeng family’s thighs. She turned her head and glanced at Yuan Yi, who was silent. It would be nice if this buddy had greater backing.

At this moment, Yuan Yi raised his head and glanced at her. Yan Xi blinked, looking away from his gaze as if nothing had happened.

Seeing her eager look, Yuan Yi thought she was worried that the surname Ma had a backing and her husband’s status could not protect her. He was impatient, “Don’t worry, the Yuan family doesn’t have such a stupid relative.”

This is straightforward.

Yan Xi carefully looked at Yuan Yi several times. The more she looked at it, the more she realized that he looked like the second young master of the Changfeng family, “Then, can I ask you a little question?”

She used her finger to compare a short distance, proving that her problem was really small.

Yuan Yi looked at her silently.

Is not speaking an acquiescence?

“Are you the second young master of the Changfeng family?” Yan Xi added, “I think you are quite handsome, as handsome as the Changfeng second young master, and even the handsome angle is so similar.” In this flashy society, occasionally Shooting a bunch of praise is also the way to survive.

“HA!” Yuan Yi sneered and turned to look at the nagging Ma Jun, “Excuse me, I am the second child of the Changfeng family in your mouth. When did our family have more relatives like you?”

Ma Jun’s curse hadn’t been finished yet, and he was stunned when he heard this. What’s the matter?

“Comrade traffic police, I just injured someone in a hurry, how should I compensate and how to compensate just tell me, but our Changfeng family will never cover violations of law and discipline,” Yuan Yi glanced at Ma Jun with his eyebrows hanging. “Some cats and dogs often follow us these years. Family relatives, we don’t even know which relatives this is.”

The traffic police never expected that he was just dealing with a traffic case, and he even witnessed a big show. Is the owner of the Cayenne really the son of the chairman of Changfeng Group?

Looking at the black-faced Ma Jun, he was yelling and threatening before, and now he has become a duck that blocks his voice and can’t say a word.

This face is… so enjoyable!

At this moment, Yan Xi felt that the Changfeng young master had an aura of 18 meters, which was a good show.

The theater was on the rise. Yan Xi’s mobile phone rang. She rubbed her throat as soon as she looked at the phone and squeezed out a cute and sweet voice.


“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Yan Xi said, “I just… just met a high school alumnus and chatted with him for a while.”

Yan Xi had no pressure to tell such a white lie.

“Yes, yes,” Yan Xi smiled dryly, “I didn’t expect that, after only half a year in school, there are still people who know me. Don’t worry, I will go home before ten o’clock.”

Yuan Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at Yan Xi.


High school alums?

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