One Can’t Judge by Appearance #9

Chapter 9. Tsk

After hanging up the phone, Yan Xi noticed this second young master was looking at her again. She touched her face. She had looked in the mirror, and there was no smudge of makeup. What does this weird expression on his face mean?

“Your husband won’t come to pick you up?” Yuan Yi’s expression was very subtle.


Yan Xi looked at Yuan Yi inexplicably, “Your wife won’t come to pick you up?”

“I don’t have a wife.” Yuan Yi took out his phone, looking like he didn’t want to talk to Yan Xi anymore.

“You don’t have a wife, do I have a husband?” Yan Xi felt that this second young master’s brain circuit was a bit strange, “Which eye did you see me getting married?”

Yuan Yi put away his mobile phone and turned to look at Yan Xi, “Who was the man who attended the birthday banquet with you last time?”

“I thank you on behalf of my dad. I didn’t expect him to be so young in your eyes.” 

Yan Xi looked up and down at Yuan Yi. His eyes were so bad at a young age. How would he marry a wife in the future?

Don’t be angry, don’t get mad. This person just now stretched out a helping hand to her anyway, he was still the second-youngest member of the powerful family, and she couldn’t afford to offend.

But still so angry!

Yan Xi stared at Yuan Yi: “Mr. Yuan, in this life, men and women were alone together. They might be husband and wife, siblings, mother and child, father and daughter, brothers and sisters. There is nothing wrong with adults having more complicated thoughts, but their eyes should be better.”

Yuan Yi’s face was a little uncomfortable when he was so squeezed by others. He endured it for a long time before he could snort.

He has never seen a father being so patient with his daughter. He usually throws a few more silver one-line cards and divides more shares, which means she is spoiled. How can he treat a woman in her twenties as two or three years old like this woman’s family?

“Two comrades,” the traffic police knocked on the table to show their sense of existence, “The matter has been investigated clearly. If you have no opinion, sign it.”

Yan Xi took the file and glanced at the content, and when she was sure there was no problem, she swiped and signed her name on it.

Yan Xi?

Withdrawing his peeking eyes, Yuan Yi signed his name. She looked weak, and the writing was very romantic.

“Trouble you two,” the higher-level leader walked in with a cordial smile, “Your car cannot be driven temporarily. The bureau has arranged a car to take you two home. Please go this way.”

“Don’t bother, my family has sent a car to pick me up, thank you.” Yuan Yi sorted out the collar of his shirt. The business elite is full of style. Except for the slightly more energetic face, no one would have thought he would do something inconsistent and beat up the driver in the accident.

Fortunately, the person who was beaten did not hold him accountable. Otherwise, they would have to go to the police station.

Yan Xi was also embarrassed to trouble the traffic police by doing this kind of thing. She took her mobile phone from her bag and prepared to make an appointment for a taxi back.

“Hey,” Yuan Yi stood a few steps away, looking at Yan Xi, “Are you going home now?”

Yan Xi blinked as she watched him and said nothing.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you back.” Yuan Yi lifted his chin. “It’s not easy to take a taxi at this time.”

“No need,” Yan Xi shook her head, “I’m afraid of being misunderstood that I am a couple with you, saying that I hold the thigh of a rich man.”

Why is this woman so careful? Remember the incident just now? He snorted, turned around, and left. After walking to the door, he couldn’t help but look back. This woman looks petite. If she meets a driver with a bad heart or can’t wait for a long time, and something bad happens to her, he won’t be able to get by on his conscience.

His face changed, and finally, he walked back unwillingly: “Don’t worry, everyone knows that I like flaming lips, big breasts, and long legs. You won’t mistakenly think that we are a couple. Get in the car.”

Yan Xi looked down at her chest and legs. Her chest is very small, and her legs are short?

This old man must be blind!

“Why are you whining,” Yuan Yi took a long breath and then turned his face away for a while, “I said the wrong thing just now, don’t take it to heart.”

“I was originally a girl, and I can’t do the vigorous action of a man,” Yan Xi jumped down the steps and squinted at Yuan Yi. “Thank you Mr. Yuan for sending me home.”

Yuan Yi was furious. This woman was waiting for him to apologize, right? Huh?

When the two got in the car, Yuan Yi buckled his seat belt and asked Yan Xi, “Where do you live?” 

Yan Xi reported the address, and Yuan Yi said to the driver in front: “Send her back first.”

The car became quiet again, and Yan Xi saw Yuan Yi lowering his head to play with his mobile phone. Obviously, he didn’t want to say a word, so she took out her mobile phone and started swiping Weibo. As soon as she swiped it, she saw that the news of their car accident had become popular.

Lamborghini collided with a Cayenne and a Ferrari. It was not a car but a pile of money. Fortunately, the license plate numbers and passers-by are mosaics. Otherwise, it will be more interesting.

On Weibo, some netizens watched the audience break the news, such as how arrogant the Lamborghini owner is and how handsome the Cayenne owner is. She, the Ferrari owner, did not mention much.

After reading the hot comments below, Yan Xi peeked at Yuan Yi. Is this guy as handsome as a netizen said? She personally likes the elegant and personable one. This is not her type.

“What are you looking at?” Yuan Yi suddenly looked up at her.

“Look at you, handsomeness.” Yan Xi didn’t change her expression or her heartbeat.

“Oh,” Yuan Yi bowed his head indifferently, “I see.” This method of teasing him is outdated, and he is completely unmoved.

“It’s okay, I just praised it politely.” Yan Xi continued to bow her head and swiped Weibo, once again falling into an awkward and quiet atmosphere in the car.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in Yan Xi’s community. Yan Xi glanced at the community gate, then solemnly turned to Yuan Yi and said, “Mr. Yuan, thank you very much today.”

Although this person thinks about her relationship with her dad as a bit bizarre, as the saying goes, people who don’t know are not guilty, not to mention that he took her out of his car and sent her home. If she is not grateful for this, there is no heart. That is simply not knowing what is good or bad.

“No need, it’s an apology for my misunderstanding of your relationship with your father,” Yuan Yi glanced at his watch, his expression a little anxious, “You can get out of the car.”

Yan Xi pulled the car door and walked down, and the car had already driven away within two steps.

She went home and took a shower. She explained to Song Hai that there was a small problem with the car and sent it to the store for overhaul. She had to change the car and drive tomorrow morning. Song Hai didn’t think much, made a bowl of noodles for her, and when she had eaten it, he urged her to go to bed.

“Dad,” Yan Xi tidied up the bowl and saw Song Hai still watching TV, “you go to bed earlier too.”

“It’s okay, if I go to bed too early at night, I will wake up in the middle of the night,” Song Hai glanced at his watch, “It’s eleven o’clock, you go to bed and leave me alone.”

“Yeah.” Yan Xi nodded and returned to her room.

The clock’s pointer on the wall is about to point to 11. Yuan Bo asked the aunt that works at their home: “Has Yuan Yi come back?”

“Not yet,” the aunt was also a little worried, “The second young Master hasn’t come back so late in a long time, is there something delayed?”

They heard footsteps coming from outside as he was talking, and the aunt hurriedly opened the door. It was indeed the second young master who was standing outside the door.

“Second young master, there is still soup simmering in the kitchen. Would you like to drink some?” Seeing that his face was not so good, the aunt lowered her tone a little.

“No,” Yuan Yi pulled off the tie tied around his neck and threw it aside. “I’ll take a shower and go to bed.” He glanced at the empty room and said to Yuan Bo, sitting on the sofa, “Dad and Mom went out to travel?”

Yuan Bo nodded, “You go to bed quickly.”

Yuan Yi smiled indifferently and turned around, and went upstairs.

Yuan Yi didn’t go to the company the next day. He spent a long time at home making up for his sleep before reluctantly regaining his energy. 

After dinner in the evening, he collapsed on the sofa, holding the remote control and pressing casually.

When he skipped a certain station, he transferred the station back because he saw an acquaintance.

In the program, it was said that an old lady had lost her dog. She suspected that it was done by a bad young man, who looked vicious and didn’t dare to ask, so she asked the TV station reporter.

Yuan Yi glanced at the station logo, Channel 8 of the Imperial Capital. No wonder it was a trivial matter. This kind of TV station that he hadn’t even heard of could only broadcast these things.

Unexpectedly, this woman named Yan Xi turned out to be a reporter.

Yan Xi knocked on the opposite door, and the one who opened the door was a young man with tattoos, golden hair, and a non-mainstream necklace on his neck.

“Who are you looking for?” The young man’s tone was vicious.

Yuan Yi thought Yan Xi would recognize him. Still, he didn’t expect the smile on this woman’s face to be sweeter, so he took the old lady and the photographer into the door with a few words.

The poor young man’s house was unexpectedly neat, and a sick woman was lying on the bed. The wife found that a reporter came in, thinking her husband had committed something, and wanted to get up from the bed.

The poor young man hurried to help her. The concern on his face was full of expression.

“Sorry to interrupt,” the woman named Yan Xi smiled, “We are reporters from a TV station. Because we heard about the touching deeds between your husband and wife, we came to interview you.” She didn’t mention the dog, and there was no disrespect in her expression, and she even stepped forward to help the woman pull off the quilt at the foot of the bed.

This woman lied without blinking. Yuan Yi felt a little disgusted, but his hand holding the remote control did not move.

The result of the show’s final episode was that the old lady’s dog was found. The bad young man did not steal the dog. The dog was adopted by a kind couple in a restaurant because they didn’t know why the dog’s leg was broken and couldn’t run for the time being.

The old lady retrieved the dog and apologized to the unscrupulous young man. The young man didn’t care. Instead, he helped the old lady bring up the vegetable bag when he went upstairs.

“Second young Master, are you watching this program too?” When the aunt came out with the fruit plate, Yuan Yi was watching her favorite program and said hurriedly, “This female host is very good, she looks good, and has a nice voice. It’s interesting to host the show. Several old ladies in our community like to watch it.”

Yuan Yi put down the remote control and said casually: “I’ll just flip through it casually, I don’t know what’s going on inside.”

How could he see what the old lady liked, how could she see it in the second young master?


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