One Can’t Judge by Appearance #20

Chapter 20 – It’s that simple

Chapter 20 – It’s that simple

“Do you have a grudge against your mobile phones?” Yuan Bo came back from getting off work and saw Yuan Yi holding his mobile phone in a daze, “It’s half-past eight, aren’t you going to wash and sleep?”

Bending over to pick up the remote control, Yuan Bo didn’t watch what was on the TV. He removed his suit jacket, threw it aside, and sat on the sofa.

Yuan Yi heard a familiar voice from the TV. He looked up at the TV screen and said nothing. On TV, Yan Xi introduced one by one the donations the welfare Home had received and where these donations were about to be used. Later, she also filmed the canteen and accommodation environment of the welfare home, which were all cleaned up very cleanly. However, it may be to protect the safety of these children. There is no child’s face in the camera. Occasionally, suppose they are accidentally in the scene. In that case, they have been mosaic processed, and even the children’s voices have changed in the later stages.

Today, on Saturday, there is no new content. They just replay the previous programs. Yuan Yi stared at the TV blankly and didn’t decide until the show was over.

For the sake of this woman’s love life, he might as well remind her.

Boss Zhou’s party was held very successfully. Coupled with the fact that Song Chao came to give him a face, he received many praises. He couldn’t help but drink two more and became even more proud when he spoke.

Song Hai dealt with his colleagues, worried that her daughter was tired from walking around with him, so she asked her to find a place to rest alone without accompanying him. Yan Xi knew that businessmen had their way of communicating on this occasion, so she obediently hid in the corner. The chefs at this party were all invited by Boss Zhou at a high price, the food, both in appearance and taste. They were all commendable.

Yan Xi took some food, put it on a plate, and sat in the corner. This kind of party sometimes pays attention to madam diplomacy. Still, it is a pity that Yan Xi is too young and does not belong to the category of madam. So many people just greet her but will not talk to her about business matters.

“Miss Song,” Song Chao walked over with a wine glass and sat opposite Yan Xi. He glanced at the dinner plate on the table. The food had already been eaten, and the lipstick on the opponent’s mouth was a little light. She hadn’t had time to retouch it, “Excuse me.”

Yan Xi beckoned for someone to take away the empty dinner plate and smiled politely at Song Chao: “Mr. Song, do you mind if I go to the bathroom to retouch my makeup?”

“There is no one else here, Miss Song doesn’t need to be burdened to go so far.” Song Chao raised his head and made a gesture of invitation, “Or does Miss Song mind my existence?” After speaking, he turned aside.

Yan Xi didn’t know how many people weren’t paying attention to Song Chao and whether the other party’s actions would cause others to misunderstand. Still, this kind, beautiful man took the initiative to be standing in front of her. As for what others think, just let it go as long as it does not harm her.

In life, who doesn’t think about something like this and that a few times?

When Song Chao observed the woman in front of him, he couldn’t help but recall nine years ago. At that time, he was under a lot of pressure to study, and somehow, he had a few hazy thoughts about a high school girl. Nine years ago, he was too sentimental. He learned from other classmates’ methods of pursuing girls and wrote her a love letter.

Later, the girl did not reply or go to the meeting place he wrote in the letter. He waited there like a fool for a long time. Later, when he went to find the girl again, he heard she had gone through the transfer procedures that morning.

After a lapse of nine years, that girl’s appearance had been blurred in his memory, and he vaguely remembered that she was a very well-behaved, weak, and pure little girl. 

But he waited for her in the sun for a long time and clearly remembered the mood from hope to loss. This was the only frustrating and stupid thing he didn’t want to recall when he was young, so he didn’t like to recall this memory very much.

He thought he had almost forgotten about it. Still, he remembered her appearance almost instantly when he saw the girl again. She seemed so pure and delicate; even those moist eyes still looked like a bullied bunny.

But that’s all.

She is just an ordinary woman who spends a lot of time on makeup and will be accompanied by a smiling face in front of him.

Yan Xi is not a fool. She had long noticed that Song Chao had been looking at her since she took her seat. She turned her attention from the small mirror and looked into Song Chao’s eyes, “Mr. Song, can I help you?” She pointed to the corner of her lip, “Being stared at by an excellent man like you, I am worried that I will draw lipstick on my teeth because of shaking my hands.”

“Sorry, because Miss Song looks a bit like my first love, I can’t help but take a second look,” Song Chao took off his glasses and put them on the table, smiling at Yan Xi, “I haven’t seen her in nine years, and I don’t know how she is doing now.”

“The girl who can be liked by Mr. Song must be very good, so don’t worry, she must be doing well.” Yan Xi closed the mirror and put the lipstick and mirror in her bag.

This is not an idol drama. It’s like a first love. What if you haven’t seen each other for nine years. This kind of trick to attract women is too embarrassing. Do you need to write a third-rate novel? Does he think she hasn’t seen a man before? She couldn’t tell that this Song Chao looked normal, but he thought a lot.

You can’t just come and lie to her because her face is so deceptive, right.

“Miss Song…”

Yan Xi’s cell phone rang. She took the opportunity to get up, smiled apologetically at Song Chao, and went to the corner with her bag. She took out her mobile phone and found that the caller was Mr. Yuan. She was a little surprised. She looked back at Song Chao, who had put on his glasses, got up, was about to leave, and pressed the answer button.

“Mr. Yuan.”

“Where are you, why is it so noisy?”

Yan Xi turned her head and glanced at the people behind her. She was so far away, and this young master could still hear it. It was really dog ears: “Come with my dad to a party at an uncle’s house.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Can’t I call you if nothing is wrong?”

They are not familiar with each other. Why do you call if you have nothing important to talk about? Do they take up a communication course? Yan Xi rolled her eyes towards the ceiling, “Of course, you can, a warm welcome.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t bother looking for you if it’s nothing,” Yuan Yi sneered. “Didn’t I say today to invite you to dinner?” As a host, I need to find out the preferences of my guests. First, tell me what you like to eat, and I can arrange a place.”

“Just for this?”

Yuan Yi turned to see Yuan Bo, who looked at him too, then turned aside to prevent Yuan Bo from seeing the expression on his face, “The people take food as the sky. This is a big deal.”

She didn’t see that this second young master was a foodie.

The opponent’s confident tone almost persuaded Yan Xi: “Would you like Sichuan cuisine?”

Thinking of the hot chili peppers and the Sichuan peppercorns that were so numb that their tongues lost consciousness, Yuan Yi turned his mouth three times when he thought to refuse, “Okay, I’ll make arrangements, you can wait in peace.”

“Then…thank you?” Yan Xi hadn’t met someone who invited people to dinner so solemnly and seriously for a long time, so she couldn’t help but smile and say, “I look forward to the place you are looking for.”

“No, you’re welcome,” listening to Yan Xi’s smiling voice, Yuan Yi’s throat and ears were numb. He kept his straight expression, “By the way, drink less alcohol when there are many people, and go further when you encounter a gentle scum. Some men look good, but their hearts are darker than anything else.”

Obviously, Yuan Yi didn’t refer to anyone by this. Yan Xi inexplicably thought of Song Chao, the young master of the Song family. She touched her nose: “Okay, thank you for reminding me.”

It turned out that Yuan’s family’s second master was not only a foodie but also a caring personality… she really didn’t see it.

Hearing Yan Xi’s tone was slightly superficial, Yuan Yi said coldly: “Don’t do anything improper. Some time ago, someone had an accident, which made the faces of several wealthy family members look bad.”

“Okay, I will definitely pay attention,” Yan Xi said to the phone, “Absolutely don’t drink.”

After hanging up the phone, she took a picture of the orange juice in her hand and posted it to Yuan Yi’s WeChat.

Yuan Yi received Yan Xi’s photo, and his serious expression finally eased. He randomly threw his phone on the sofa and finally felt that his chest was not so stuffy.

“Who drank and made mistakes, then made several wealthy families lose face. Why haven’t I heard of it?” Yuan Bo frowned and looked at Yuan Yi, “Yuan Xiaoer, don’t talk nonsense to the outside world. If the news reaches the ears of those entertainment reporters and I have to make up another grievance, you give me a rest.”

“Just for example… for example, I didn’t say it was true.” Yuan Yi said in the direction of the kitchen, “Aunt Li, squeeze me a glass of orange juice.”

“You made up fake news and you still speak fluently, brother. You are really capable,” Yuan Bo said helplessly. “What orange juice do you drink at night? What’s wrong with you.”

“Orange juice can supplement vitamin C. I think it’s very good,” Yuan Yi said as he got up from the sofa, put his mobile phone in his pocket, and went to the kitchen to get orange juice.

Yuan Bo looked at Yuan Yi’s back and was speechless for a while.


Wealthy families have their own small circles, and some descendants of rich and powerful wealthy people also have their own circles of friends. Since WeChat has become more popular, they have also established a chat group with the trend. The group name has achieved great heights, but the chat content is messy.

Luxury cars, watches, yachts, airplanes, beauties, and handsome men are all the content of their chats, but when it comes to business issues, almost all tacitly avoid it. People with identities like them sometimes accidentally leak a piece of information, which involves thousands of people’s jobs. Their brothers or sisters have to settle the accounts so they can eat whatever they want, but they can’t talk nonsense.

When a few friends talked about who bought the new plane, Yuan Yi asked the group.

Yuan Yi: Does anyone know where the Sichuan cuisine is the most authentic?

Zhang Wang: …

Yang Yu: Has your account been hacked?

Xu Qiaosheng: Hacker dog, we will not charge you for the phone bill or borrowing some money. Thank you!

Yuan Yi instantly saw more than 20 messages in the group, all scolding him, and quickly replied with a message.

Yuan Yi: Don’t think I don’t know you are taking the opportunity to scold me. Answer my question first. 

Xu Qiaosheng: Brother Yi, it’s almost half past ten. Are you still not sleeping?

Yuan Yi glanced at the empty cup on the table. He drank too much orange juice and couldn’t sleep. He did not answer Xu Qiaosheng’s question but asked the question about Sichuan cuisine again.

Zhang Wang: Why are you asking this? Take the girl to dinner?

Yuan Yi: Thinking too much, how would I please a woman like that?

He just agreed to the other party’s things and had to do it.

It’s that simple.

18 thoughts on “One Can’t Judge by Appearance #20

  1. Do you even know that people’s names are not translated? The Song Dynasty is the Song Chao. Even if this is a fan translation of people who are far from knowing the language that is being translated, at least elementary things should be observed.

    • Is it so hard to be nicer to others? Your comment hurt my feeling so badly. Becoming a fan is something exclusive in your mouth.

      In your judging concept, before starting to ‘do’ the translation of a novel.
      I need to do the thing ‘that you think every people must to do’. But did you know translating a novel is actually a passion project? If we need to prepare a lot of things before actually doing it, the passion flame will die out without even trying it in the first place. FYI, I don’t get even one penny from this novel. For me to still continue translating it because I love the characters.

      I know you are so clever that you never read from MTL. I am sorry to hurt your eyes. Translating this novel is my work on progress journey. I state why I did certain things. Anyways, for your question. I didn’t know it was something so taboo to do, even for a passion project from a fan that does it to suit their not-so-clever mind.

      Please, don’t do this again. Commenting with your typical looking down on other people’s comments. Just let me be the first and your last. Someone will put the novel project on hiatus when they read your typical comment. Because that’s how I feel. Because I need to remind myself why I choose this novel.

      I don’t mind getting a correction. But once again, please be nicer. All I ask is to consider my feeling.

  2. Look I understand where you’re coming from, but to be fair, I think a lot of these you’re accusing from that comment is coming from you. Which is fair. You have your feelings.

    All I saw from that critical comment was that they’d appreciate if you at least tried to translate the name. If this is an mtl, I think a lot of people could get that anywhere. I think “fan translation” is usually trying to get the names at least. If you don’t know, it’s fair to ask for help. I will say that earlier comment was perhaps worded too critically, but I do agree it would be nice to have a name written properly. I mean I wasn’t expecting it from here, but they have higher expectations from you than me, which is good in it’s own way. Idk.

  3. Look I understand where you’re coming from, but to be fair, I think a lot of these you’re accusing from that comment is coming from you. Which is fair. You have your feelings.

    All I saw from that critical comment was that they’d appreciate if you at least tried to translate the name. If this is an mtl, I think a lot of people could get that anywhere. I think “fan translation” is usually trying to get the names at least. If you don’t know, it’s fair to ask for help. I will say that earlier comment was perhaps worded too critically, but I do agree it would be nice to have a name written properly. I mean I wasn’t expecting it from here, but they have higher expectations from you than me, which is good in it’s own way. Idk.

    • I don’t mind being corrected, but I also have the right to tell how I feel if the context is no longer correct. But I was criticized, questioned, and given rules a,b,c, and d according to their desire.

      In chapter 1, I already said I used several machine translations to translate this novel. So, from the start, the standard I said was, ‘please, it’s an mtl with a bit of clumsy revision.’

      I used the translation name from Song Chao to Song Dynasty purely because I wanted to define it for myself. If Song Chao’s character is like that, it’s because of the arrogance of his name. If you read using MTL. It was ok. Again, my standard translation is MTL.

      I don’t expect and ask that people have high hopes for what I do. I’m sure you guys want to read the English version, which is at least a little more organized than looking for the raw version and then reading it using Google Translate Chrome. Or the way I used to be, which even had to copy and paste the pinyin text into Google Translate.

      Maybe, I don’t even mind the criticism and immediately revise it if what I’m doing now is a campus assignment. Well, because I need it, or I work under the auspices of a major translator. Please remember, of the 5 novels I translated, only Song Chao’s name was changed according to a concept that made it easier for me to understand when translating.

      As I recall, someone already asked why the name was changed. When I give my explanation. She responded with, ‘I understand, if that’s a personal reason’ So, as someone really new to this world, I feel this can still be tolerated.

      It will be different, If that person who criticizes me tells me, ‘How about changing it with the original name. If you (the translator) are comfortable with the novel enough and already understand Song Chao’s character – use the pinyin name.’ That person demands something but doesn’t know my reason for the situation.

      It will be petty to hear this, but I don’t even get 1 dollar with this novel. Can I at least get nice things to say to me? Or, It’s shitty, but at least if that person drops 1 dollar, I will brainwash myself to say that person has the right to give advice and criticism in any way.

      Although, everyone deserves to hear polite criticism in the workplace.

      I’m going to change the name anyway. But be patient, whether it’s when I finish it first. Or in the middle of a novel. Because the main thing is I use all my energy to continue and not drop this novel.

      Ah, I am tired. But thanks. For this conversation. Wishing you get a nice weekend. I envy you soo understanding with that person way of criticize. Are you an INTJ?

  4. Thank you for your translations, as long as names are not confused, its enough for me. I won’t understand even a little of the original, if not translated. Thank you

    • Ah. I haven’t edited the next/previous button yet. Btw, Thank you for your nice word. I will add the button as soon as possible. Hehe 🙂 Have a nice day

  5. Some people are so ungrateful really. If they don’t agree with the translation then don’t read. Thanks anyway for making the effort to translate. Appreciate your hard work.

    • Aww, thank you so much. Appreciate it, really. Idk- probably I’m not in good condition (mentally) so reading this made my heart warm. Have a nice day 🙂

  6. Hi Miss translator. Thank you for translating this novel. Don’t mind their hateful comment. I think your translation of this novel is good, at least I can understand the novel. I’m also confuse because that song name change hahahaha but I can’t really remember his name though, so I don’t mind if that guy’s name change. But really I enjoy reading this novel. Thank you again for translating this novel. Keep up the good work, stay safe and God bless you (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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