[RM] Infinite Variety Show C44.1

Hey, first of all, thanks for reading my lousy Machine Translation. To be honest, I’d really like it if you guys corrected the mistakes I made. But please speak nicely and politely. My heart is not strong enough to read your too-harsh comments. Have a nice day. 🙂

Chapter 44. (1/2)

Gambling Special

The high-speed train arrived at the station, and Xu Jia left with her luggage.

There was a lot of traffic and people coming and going around. She was slightly dazed and felt a little unreal.

“I haven’t been home for too long, and the environment has changed significantly.” Xu Jia laughed self-deprecatingly and then took a taxi home.

Mother Xu was so happy that her daughter came home early but was a little worried, “How many days of leave did you take? Will the company approve it?”

Xu Jia made a random excuse, “I’m lucky I’m not busy recently.”

“That’s good.” Mother Xu finally felt relieved.

“I haven’t been home for too long, and I just came back to see you when I have time.” Xu Jia never mentioned the blind date.

But Mother Xu said happily, “It’s God’s will! It’s just the right time for a blind date this weekend!”

Xu Jia refused without thinking, “No.”

Mother Xu choked and, after a long time, retorted, “If you don’t want to go on a blind date, then why did you come back?”

Xu Jia said calmly, “I said I was going home to visit my family.”

“Your own parents, what’s so good about us!” Mother Xu was speechless.

“Then I’ll go back now?” Xu Jia pretended to get up.

If she wasn’t her biological daughter, she would have beaten her long ago! Mother Xu glared at her and said fiercely, “No round-trip fare? Stay here and leave on Sunday night.”

“Okay.” Xu Jia agreed reluctantly.

Mother Xu stared at her daughter for a long time and sighed resignedly. She comforted herself that children and grandchildren would have their own blessings, so don’t worry about them.

Although Xu Jia firmly refuses the blind date meeting, she is interested in Xiao Yuan’s blind date. She asks Mother Xu in a roundabout way.

If it weren’t for her daughter, mother Xu almost thought Xu Jia wanted to steal someone’s boyfriend.

“Why do you ask so many questions?” Mother Xu was very puzzled.

“Well, are you afraid that he will be cheated?” Xu Jia brushed it off lightly, trying to get away with it.

“Are you afraid that he will be cheated out of money or sex?” Mother Xu glanced at her daughter and said earnestly, “Xiao Yuan is a boy and can stand it. Don’t worry about it.”

“That’s not necessarily true.” Xu Jia whispered.

Mother Xu was very dissatisfied, “What are you worried about? If you are really worried, just kidnap the person at our house!”

Xu Jia, “…”

After listening to this, she was actually entirely moved. She must be crazy.


The days staying at home are undoubtedly comfortable. Mom calls for dinner on time, unlike when you are alone outside; you have to think about what to eat every day.

It’s just… She doesn’t know what happened. The guy who was thinking about going on a blind date has not returned yet.

Xu Jia was puzzled: “He doesn’t have to go to work. What is he busy with?”

On Saturday afternoon, after lunch, Xu Jia returned to her room on the pretext of napping. But she just found a place to be alone and wait for the game to start.

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the game started on time. In a flash of white light, Xu Jia disappeared from the room.

When she opened her eyes again, she sat on a chair. Four friends gathered around her, and five players were on the opposite side.

Team game?

As soon as the thought came up, a large screen rose between the two sides, and golden words slowly emerged.

“Welcome to the game of ‘Infinite Variety’.”

“This round of the game is ‘Gambling Special,’ with ten players. A serial number and ten chips are placed on the table in front of each player. At the end of the game, the top three players with the most chips will win the game.”

“Note 1: Next, you will go through four rounds of games. The winner of the game will receive a chip reward.”

“Note 2: Before each game round, the player predicts the result and decides whether to bet. If the prediction is correct, double the chips will be returned. (Bet 2 chips, the judgment is correct, 4 chips will be returned. ) If the prediction is wrong, the betting chips will be confiscated. If it is difficult to judge, you can choose to give up the bet. “

“Note 3: Before each game round starts, the system will announce the contestants and the game’s rules. Players have ten minutes to communicate and decide whether and how much to bet.”

“Note 4: The first place in the game can get a cash reward of 500,000, the second place can get a cash reward of 400,000, and the third place can get a cash reward of 300,000.”

“The game will officially start in ten minutes. Please be ready.”

It turned out to be a single-player game. Xu Jia glanced at the table and found a label with the word “No. 2” in the corner and 10 coin-like chips.

Looking around, Xu Jia’s eyelids couldn’t help but jump.

Strong rival No. 1: Qi Yuan, who sat in seat 1.

Strong rival No. 2: Le Lin, who sat in seat 4.

As for the others… Maybe there are powerful characters, but unfortunately, she doesn’t know them.

In fact, Xu Jia is very confident that she can squeeze into the top three. But every time she advances, it means an extra 100,000 yuan in prize money, so she has only one goal: first place!

The positions are arranged in the order of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, so Le Lin sat next to Xu Jia. At this time, seeing someone rubbing their hands, he couldn’t help but twitch his mouth, “Calm down, the system didn’t say it was a fighting game.”

After joining forces with others, Le Lin was still defeated. He deeply realized that the girl next to him was not ordinary, and her fighting power was simply off the charts.

“No matter what kind of game it is, it’s worth going all out.” Xu Jia said seriously. After all, money makes her excited.

Le Lin, “…”

He didn’t want to talk for the time being. Since the moment he caught a glimpse of someone, he had no hope for this round of the game.

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