Doomsday Stewed Salted Fish C25.1

Hey, first of all, thanks for reading my lousy Machine Translation. To be honest, I’d really like it if you guys corrected the mistakes I made. But please speak nicely and politely. My heart is not strong enough to read your too-harsh comments. Have a nice day. 🙂

Chapter 25. (1/2)

When it got dark, the fifth day of fighting was over.

The frontline soldiers returned to their respective positions in an orderly manner and were stationed outside the medical team.

The B-level medical soldier who broke a leg but still insisted on going to the front line also came back. He had already fallen asleep due to exhaustion of mental strength. The two A-level soldiers responsible for protecting him were injured, but fortunately, they were not in danger of life.

Whether it was a coincidence or intentional, the medical team leader sent the two injured A-level soldiers to Gu Fan.

The two did not know that Gu Fan had refused to go to the front line. They looked at Gu Fan with clear and smiling eyes, full of gratitude.

In fact, it was not just them. Everyone in the army treated the medical staff with such enthusiasm and trust, as if they were partners who could entrust their lives to each other.

Gu Fan smiled and treated them.

The spiritual power constantly replenished by the spirit stone was exhausted again.

Gu Fan ate some boxed lunch perfunctorily and returned to her tent.

Before practicing, Gu Fan calculated that because the injuries of the wounded today were all serious, she actually consumed six wood spirit stones intermittently.

Inferior spirit stones are the simplest currency to circulate in the cultivation continent. However, on Earth, they are treasures that are used up one by one.

According to the information she got, the spiritual energy on Earth was thin before the big radiation, so there were no spirit stones or other high-level natural treasures on Earth. It was not until after the big radiation that the Earth underwent a huge change; spiritual energy was revived, and strong people appeared in humans and beasts, but the time was still short. Spirit stones and high-level natural treasures needed a longer time to breed.

Gu Fan admitted that she did not have the righteousness and courage to sacrifice herself to protect others.

But she admired these soldiers, and what she did for them was far more than the conditions she had discussed with Lu Ya.

However, some people looked at her differently just because she did not go to the front line.

Gu Fan thought she could ignore it, though she didn’t need to care about those strangers. Those eyes, those whispered discussions, still hovered in her mind, lingering.

“If you have a way, it’s best to wake her up first.”

“Gu Fan, the front line is urgent. Can you take over first?”

“We will protect your safety. You don’t have to do anything except heal.”

“I’ll go!”

“Mercenaries are mercenaries. How can you count on them at a critical moment?”

“I liked her very much, but I didn’t expect her to be this kind of person, alas.”


The voices became louder and faster, like a whirlpool spinning rapidly in her ears, and finally thundered Lu Ya’s cold rebuke: “The current stability of the base is exchanged for the lives of countless people. What qualifications do you have to enjoy the sacrifices of others?”

What qualifications do you have?

Gu Fan couldn’t help but reflect on herself and what qualifications she had.

The past hundred years reappeared bit by bit, and Gu Fan tried to find a qualification for herself in it.

At first, she was just a little girl treated as a maid by her parents. Her low-level five spiritual roots helped her get rid of the worldly road and enter the immortal gate. She was the one who qualified herself to enter the immortal gate.

There were thousands of outer disciples. She practiced diligently and devoted herself to learning alchemy. Her efforts made her qualified to gain a foothold in the outer gate.

She was chased by high-level monsters, traveled to the Earth, and met mercenaries with ulterior motives. She qualified herself to walk to the base alive.

The base was open to humans. She earned enough merit points by selling medicine. She did not take advantage of anyone. It was she who gave herself the qualification to live in the base.

She did not ask anyone to sacrifice or take risks for her, so no one could force her to do something she didn’t want to.

From the beginning to the end, she was just trying to live alone, never hurting others for her own benefit and never doing any great good deeds. She also did not do evil.

What qualifications are required? She is the qualification of her life.

The vortex in her mind disappeared, and her frowning brows relaxed. Gu Fan could no longer see anyone or hear any noise. She only felt a surge of spiritual energy coming towards her from all directions. She absorbed and practiced selflessly.

Not far from her tent, Lu Ya and the medical captain walked out one after another.

Today, people died in the four battlefields. Among them, the northwest battlefield encountered the most difficult poisonous spider group, and the death toll reached 123. Most of them were B-level and C-level superpowers who were attacked by the spider group. They died because the poison took effect quickly, and they had no time to inject antidotes.

“Young Marshal, Gu Fan obviously has the ability to heal quickly, but she is unwilling to go to the front line. It’s really disappointing. Suppose she is willing to go, even if she is only responsible for the C-level team. In that case, it can reduce casualties.”

Looking at Gu Fan’s tent, the medical captain was still dissatisfied.

Lu Ya paused, looked at the medical captain, and asked: “Are you saying that Gu Fan should be responsible for some of the casualties in the northwest battlefield?”

The medical captain’s expression changed slightly.

Lu Ya: “Gu Fan is a talent I have my eyes on. She has poor attack but strong healing. I arranged for her to accompany the army. Her performance has exceeded my expectations. If she hadn’t come, today’s casualties would still be unavoidable. You shouldn’t blame Gu Fan.”

The medical captain lowered his head: “You are right. I was wrong. I will publicly apologize to her tomorrow.”

Lu Ya: “Well, go and rest.”

The medical captain saluted and turned away.

Lu Ya hid in the shadow of a tree, his slender body leaning against the tree trunk, his eyes following the golden elements flowing happily in the air, and fell on Gu Fan’s tent.

The golden elements she mobilized tonight were stronger than any time he had felt before.

The golden elements rushed all night, and there was still no sign of stopping until the next morning.

Lu Ya was leaving. He had his mission. There might be S-level monsters in other urban areas adjacent to An City, and there was a risk of coming to join in the fun at any time. Lu Ya’s responsibilities were to guard the temporary protective shield equipment and prevent S-level monsters from breaking in to avoid causing large casualties.

Lu Ya called Zhou Cheng, an A-level earth-type soldier from the defense army of the Northwest Medical Team. She gave him a military order: “Gu Fan is resting. You stay here unless Gu Fan comes out by herself. No one is allowed to disturb her in any way.”

“Don’t worry, Marshal, I promise to complete the task.”


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