The Vicious Female Character at the End of Days

Hey, first of all, thanks for reading my lousy Machine Translation. To be honest, I’d really like it if you guys corrected the mistakes I made. But please speak nicely and politely. My heart is not strong enough to read your too-harsh comments. Have a nice day. 🙂

Chapter 81. (1/2)

He must have done something wrong, Qing Qing left.

The zombie Shen’s scarlet eyes revealed an emotion called pain, and he was restless. He kept shouting, “Qing, Qing.”

He was now a fifth-level zombie, and could only say a few words with difficulty to express his emotions. He wanted to say a lot of things to Qing Qing, asking her not to be afraid of him and that he would do anything as long as she stayed by his side.

She asked him to be good, and he was good. She asked him to kill zombies, and he went to kill them. He really would do anything for her.

“Qing, Qing.” He searched around the town aimlessly, without sleep or rest, and never stopped, just to find a trace of her.

The black cat followed him at first, but after searching for a long time, it stopped and lay on the ground, tired.

Bai Qing Qing wanted to hide in the space for a few hours, and when he gave up the search, she would leave the town immediately, but she didn’t know that he was looking for her like crazy.

Fortunately, she could stay in the space longer and longer. As long as he gave up, she could leave the town and go to the city of death.

Shen Zombie searched for another day and night. He had not closed his eyes for dozens of hours. His silver-gray pupils lost their light, and his body became very dirty. He was completely different from the delicate man before.

He fell dejectedly in the middle of the deserted road, staring at the sky with his eyes wide open. It seemed that he was the only one left in the desolate doomsday world.

Why did Qing Qing leave? Where did she go?

After an unknown amount of time, he raised his hand like a corpse and saw the bandage stained with ashes. The bow that the girl tied for him was loose and in a mess.

He sat up suddenly and clumsily used his right hand to tie the bow like her, but he couldn’t do it well.

After several times, he still couldn’t tie the bandage like her and hung his head dejectedly.

“Pah.” A drop of crystal water fell to the ground and shattered into flowers.

High-level zombies will gradually recover their pain and emotions and tend to develop towards humans, but zombies have no tears. He must be too sad and painful, and tears flowed from his dry eyes.

Drop after drop, they fell to the ground along his slightly dirty, pale cheek.

“Qing, Qing.” Shen Zombie’s throat was hoarse, and he couldn’t make a sound. His heart was twitching, and he choked humbly: “Please.”

When Bai Qing Qing was with him, she didn’t tell him where she was going, and he didn’t know where to go because he was illiterate and didn’t know the way.

The red moonlight hung in the sky, casting a strange red light, and the rain fell down, hitting him coldly and soaking his whole body.

“Meow~” The black cat called to him under the eaves.

The zombie actually lay outside in the rain, and he was so uncomfortable with his whole body wet. He was so stupid.

It rained all night, and he was soaked in the cold rain all night.

The next day, Zombie Shen still got up to look for her, looking as miserable as a wild dog, making a whining sound.

Bai Qing Qing didn’t show up, so how could he find her? He turned his head and stared at the black cat, his murderous intent instantly eroding his reason, and his sharp claws attacked it.

The black cat made a terrifying cry, and he stopped abruptly, grabbed it, and held it in his arms.

Qing Qing liked it, so he couldn’t kill it.

Shen Zombie left the town with the black cat in his arms and walked back along the deserted road.

No matter where Qing Qing was, he would find her.

Bai Qing Qing left after him, came out of the space, and drove quickly towards the City of Death.

She didn’t expect Zombie Shen to regard her as important. If someone was as sleepless as he was, his body would have collapsed long ago, but he kept looking for her.

Fortunately, he gave up.

Bai Qing Qing stared at the road ahead, going the opposite way from him. For some reason, she felt a little lost.

The next meeting might be a long time later when he should have recovered his memory. Whether he liked her or hated her, she had a place in his heart.

After spending many days in town, Bai Qing Qing stepped on the accelerator to the maximum and drove as fast as a high-speed racing car.

She felt how exciting and thrilling racing was. The road was destroyed after the end of the world, and there were occasional obstacles on the roadside, just like a natural wild trak.

She drove towards the City of Death without stopping for two days and finally arrived at the place at twilight on the third day.

The City of Death is the most dilapidated and dirty city in the world. The steel forest is rusted, the floors of the buildings are damaged, the highway overpass is broken, and there are many scrapped cars on the road. You can even see the remains of airplanes and subways.

Probably because it was daytime, she didn’t see any zombies for the time being. The city was as quiet as everything resting at night. The quieter the atmosphere, the more terrifying it was.

Bai Qing Qing carefully slowed down the car, paying attention to the surrounding situation while driving.

The City of Death, a paradise of zombies, has almost no humans. She wants to find the Thunder Team and meet them in this dead city.


The car’s tire seemed to be punctured. She waited for a while, opened the door, and went down to check. If this car was broken, she would take other cars out of the space to drive.

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