[RM] Infinite Variety Show C43.2

Hey, first of all, thanks for reading my lousy Machine Translation. To be honest, I’d really like it if you guys corrected the mistakes I made. But please speak nicely and politely. My heart is not strong enough to read your too-harsh comments. Have a nice day. 🙂

Chapter 43. (2/2)

[Your current player level is lv2. After winning a game and the game-winning rate is above 30%, the level will be upgraded to lv3. (Your winning rate is currently 100%. You have participated in eight games in total and won eight games.)]

[You can view information about players below your level on the watch. Currently, you can view lv0 and lv1 players.]

[Congratulations on being named MVP of this game.]

[You will be teleported away in thirty seconds.]

[Note: After leaving the game, you are not allowed to mention “Infinite Variety” to non-players.]

No. 9 and No. 5 disappeared one after another.

After a while, Xu Jia also teleported away.


After waking up, Xu Jia couldn’t wait to check the account balance.

This time, she received more text messages than last time.

The first text message –

[Your card with the last number 1234 has an income (winning bonus) of 500,000.00 yuan, and the balance is 500,000.00 yuan.]

The second text message –

[Your card with the last number 1234 has an income (MVP bonus) of 100,000.00 yuan, and the balance is 600,000.00 yuan.]

Third SMS——

[Your card with the last digit 1234 has earned RMB 100,000.00 (triple kill bonus) and a balance of RMB 700,000.00.]

Fourth SMS——

[Your card with the last digit 1234 has earned RMB 60,000.00 (kill player bonus: 20,000 bonus for each kill) and a balance of RMB 760,000.00.]

Fifth SMS——

[Your card with the last digit 1234 has earned RMB 76,000.00 (level bonus: 760,000*0.1=) and a balance of RMB 836,000.00.]

Seeing a series of numbers, Xu Jia felt in a good mood for the first time in a long time. She glanced at the calendar and found that today was Thursday, and there were still two days before the blind date on the weekend. She felt bored again.

“Forget it. Don’t wait until the weekend to go back. Just go home early.” Xu Jia turned on the computer and started to buy high-speed rail tickets.


On Friday afternoon, Qi Yuan received a call from home. Hearing that there was a blind date, he refused without a second thought, “No, please help me turn it down.”

“How can this be? I finally got the appointment!” Mother Qi refused.

“It won’t work out if I go. Why should I go?” Qi Yuan rubbed his eyebrows. With one person in his heart, no one else will be in his eyes.

Mother Qi was dissatisfied: “You haven’t even met. How do you know it won’t work out?”

After a pause, she asked suspiciously, “You haven’t had a girlfriend for so many years. Could it be that you already have a crush on someone?”

Qi Yuan, “…”

Silence means tacit consent.

Mother Qi immediately became excited, “Whose girl is this? Do I know her? Hey, when did you fall in love with her?”

Qi Yuan ignored her and said, “Anyway, don’t arrange a blind date for me. I won’t go.”

Mother Qi was very unhappy, “Jia Jia doesn’t like blind dates either. But to please her parents, she is willing to go and take a look.”

Qi Yuan’s heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously asked, “Does she want a blind date? When?”

“This weekend.” Mother Qi was upset and felt that her son was unfilial not as obedient and well-behaved as other girls.

“I’ll think about the blind date and talk about it later.” Then, Qi Yuan hung up the phone and ran to knock on the neighbor’s door. But after knocking for a long time, no one responded.

Qi Yuan couldn’t help but make a call.

“Me? I’m on the high-speed train now, and it’s about to leave.” Xu Jia was listless and depressed, “My mother forced me to go home. There’s nothing I can do. I just happened to be free, so I went back.”

Qi Yuan couldn’t help but clench his fists. What if he didn’t know she was going back for a blind date?

Is this girl stupid? She had a handsome, rich, and nice childhood friend by her side, but she never saw him. She has to go to a stranger for a blind date!

Qi Yuan was furious.

“Well, I heard you were going on a blind date this weekend?” Xu Jia asked secretly.

“I was going to go home this weekend.” Qi Yuan said coldly. He didn’t want to go, but now… he must go back to stop Jia Jia!

“Why?” Xu Jia was very curious, “You are rich, handsome, and have such good conditions. Why do you want to go on a blind date?”

“What about you? Why did you go on a blind date?” Qi Yuan asked back.

Xu Jia was stunned. Her mother made her own decision. She went back mainly to see her parents and reiterated her position, by the way. She firmly refused the blind date banquet and didn’t plan to pay attention to it at all. Qi Yuan’s question came suddenly, and she didn’t know how to answer it for a while.

“Forget it.” Qi Yuan changed the subject, and a hint of anger was suppressed in his calm voice, “See you on the weekend.”

He hung up the phone.

Xu Jia was inexplicably unhappy and muttered softly, “You didn’t refute it, so you really plan to go?”

Qi Yuan told his mother, “I will go home on the weekend.”

Just then, the cool black watches on their right wrists simultaneously made a “beep beep” sound, showing their presence.

[Notice: The next game will start at 2 pm tomorrow (Saturday); please prepare beforehand.]

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