Doomsday Stewed Salted Fish C24.1

Hey, first of all, thanks for reading my lousy Machine Translation. To be honest, I’d really like it if you guys corrected the mistakes I made. But please speak nicely and politely. My heart is not strong enough to read your too-harsh comments. Have a nice day. 🙂

Chapter 24. (1/2)

At two o’clock in the morning, Gu Fan’s spiritual power returned to a perfect state.

Just like a person who has eaten a full meal and had a good sleep, Gu Fan at this time was so refreshed that he just wanted to find something to do. Anyway, it was impossible to lie down and sleep.

Sitting in the tent for a while, Gu Fan thought of the wounded in the tent, especially the few wounded she met during the day who could not be cured at once.

Gu Fan stood up and walked out of the tent.

The soldiers on guard around noticed her, but knowing her identity, they did not stop her from entering the tent.

Most of the wounded were sleeping, and those who were awake were mostly because of discomfort in their wounds.

Gu Fan signaled them not to talk, and she walked over one by one and treated them. At one point, small-scale injuries were still cured, and large-scale severe injuries were treated to the point where they would not hurt.

The whole process lasted for an hour. At three o’clock in the morning, Gu Fan came to the B-level whose half body was burned by fire.

He had already woken up. Seeing that Gu Fan would treat him, the man whispered, “I can recover slowly. You should save your energy to help others.”

Gu Fan smiled and said, “There is still time. I will cure you and go to sleep.”

After that, Gu Fan cast a healing spell on him.

The black scabs on the man’s body fell off quietly, revealing a layer of newly grown light pink skin and continuous hideous scars.

Gu Fan’s healing spell did not have the function of removing scars.

She observed the man’s attitude.

The man in his forties was happy at first that his physical strength had returned to normal. Seeing the mottled scars on his arms, he suddenly laughed bitterly: “My little daughter will probably be scared if I become like this.”

Confirming that he was concerned about his appearance, Gu Fan took out a bottle of white pills and said: “Scar Removal Pills, you can remove scars on your body after taking them. You have a lot of scars, and I don’t know how many pills you need to take to heal. This bottle has a total of ten pills. You take them first. If you need more, you can buy them from me.”

Given Gu Fan’s performance yesterday, the man did not doubt the efficacy of this bottle of scar removal pills and only asked, “How much is this bottle?”

Gu Fan said: “One hundred merit points per pill.”

The man immediately transferred one thousand points to Gu Fan. For those of them who are in the army, merit points are very sufficient.

After the payment and goods were settled, Gu Fan was about to leave when a soft female voice suddenly came from behind her: “Doctor Gu, I also want to buy scar removal pills. Do you have any more?”

Gu Fan turned around and saw a female psychic lying on a hospital bed. She was about 30 years old and had a scar on her face.

Gu Fan sold her another pill.

This was a big deal. More and more people joined in and wanted to buy.

Seeing that more and more psychics were awake, Gu Fan quickly explained: “I still need to catch up on sleep to restore my mental strength, so I won’t sell medicine for the time being. But I will open a pharmacy after returning to the base. The address is at the foot of Phoenix Mountain. If you are interested, wait until you return to the base to have a look. Now, we need to clear the monsters. You must get enough rest.”

After saying that, Gu Fan slipped away, leaving the wounded whispering and discussing Doctor Gu’s medicine.

Gu Fan’s spiritual power was fully replenished when the sky was slightly bright.

The superpower army continued to kill the monsters and the medical Team, where Gu Fan was moved forward one mile to shorten the time for the wounded to go back and forth to the Medical Team.

With the army’s protection, Gu Fan did not have to worry too much about safety issues and concentrated on treating the wounded.

The first four days of treatment were busy but stable. Gu Fan exhausted her spiritual power during the day and practiced at night to replenish it. Although she exhausted her spiritual power, like on Phoenix Mountain, the sense of crisis may have played a bonus role. Gu Fan clearly noticed the improvement in her practice speed. The effect of one day of practice here was even stronger than ten days of practice on Phoenix Mountain.

The more you gain, the more motivated you are.

However, on the fifth day, the situation of the wounded suddenly changed significantly. There were more high-level superpowers, and their injuries were serious.

One of them, Major General Li, told Gu Fan that high-level monsters were also intelligent. At first, everyone resisted the human superpower army in their own territory. After realizing that the superpower army was not easy to deal with, the A-level monsters quickly formed an alliance. They jointly led the B and C-level monsters to resist and hunt the superpower army.

Every time we clear out monsters, we face this kind of development, just like humans, even if they are enemies. When their survival is threatened by a third party, enemies can temporarily become friends.

Monsters are natural hunters, and some combat skills are not inferior to humans.

Most deaths also occurred in the last three days.

Gu Fan is a little worried about the Team.

The five of them have always played the vanguard role and will be the first to bear the counterattack of the Monster Alliance.

After a busy morning, other medical team members ate lunch to replenish their physical and mental strength. Gu Fan, with the support of the Bigu Pill, still tried her best to treat the wounded.

“Gu Fan, Gu Fan, there is a frontline medical soldier here. Come and see her. Try to make her recover immediately!”

Hearing the anxious voice of the medical captain, Gu Fan ran over immediately.

4 thoughts on “Doomsday Stewed Salted Fish C24.1

  1. The “next chapter” buttons have been broken since ch 20 or so and the ch 24.2 link only goes to ch 24.1 leaving a missing piece of the story. Just a heads up, fun story thank you for translating

    • Ah, thank you for telling me. I will add the next chapter buttons later. I though people doesn’t actually need it. Hehe~ Have a nice day. Oh! And Thank you for spending your time say such a nice comment. 🙂

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