[RM] Infinite Variety Show C42.1

Hey, first of all, thanks for reading my lousy Machine Translation. To be honest, I’d really like it if you guys corrected the mistakes I made. But please speak nicely and politely. My heart is not strong enough to read your too-harsh comments. Have a nice day. 🙂

Chapter 42. (1/2)

After hearing the broadcast, No. 7 squatted aside and calculated secretly, “12 players, 5 have been eliminated, all of them are Mars residents. This ratio seems wrong. How could it be that none of the Mercury people have been eliminated?”

“It may be that there are more Mars pig teammates, so they died quickly. Among the remaining players, the number of Mercury residents may be dominant.”

“Could it be that the two sides were 6vs6 at the beginning, and now I am the only Mars resident left…” No. 7 couldn’t help but mutter.

Thinking over it, he decided to change the plan and stop searching for clue cards everywhere and start attacking. Anyway, when he is the only player left, he will definitely win.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it made sense, “I shouldn’t have used my brain just now, playing some kind of intelligence game. Just eliminate everyone except me, and the game will be over. Who cares about teammates, just treat it as a 12-person single-player name tag tearing competition.”

Making up his mind, No. 7 stood up and began to look for a target. He walked along the village path and turned into the alley.

After a while, No. 6 appeared. It turned out that he had just seen No. 7 from a distance and followed him secretly, intending to attack him by surprise. Seeing No. 7 turning into the alley, he held his breath, then slowed down his pace and followed carefully.

As soon as he turned, he found that No. 7 was lying in ambush against the wall as if waiting for him. No. 6 panicked, “Hey, wait.”

What are you waiting for? What’s there to say to the guy who attacked? No. 7 tore off No. 6’s name tag.

The broadcast issued a notice, “Mars resident No. 6 OUT.”

How come there are Mars players besides him? No. 7 looked around blankly, very puzzled.

“Are you from Mercury?” No. 6 was unwilling to give up and asked persistently.

No. 7 shook his head and answered honestly, “No, from Mars.”

Another Mars? No. 6 was stunned and disappeared on the spot, full of confusion.


At the same time, players 3, 4, and 5 were confronting each other.

No. 3 spoke first, “Half of the players have been eliminated. Why don’t we reveal our identities to each other and be clear about who we are.”

No. 4 looked blank. “Okay, then you tell me who you are first.”

No. 5 nodded repeatedly, thinking that this proposal was very good.

“I…” No. 3’s eyes rolled, and he immediately had an idea, “I’m a Mercury player.”

In his opinion, six Mars have been eliminated, and there must be more Mercury players among the remaining players. In this case, it would be safer for him to disguise himself as a Mercury player, and he could also wait for an opportunity to attack.

“Really?” No. 4 was surprised, “Are you really a Mercury player?”

No. 3 responded calmly, “Yes, that’s right.” Then, he asked the other two, “What about you?”

No. 4 glanced at No. 5 and quickly made up his mind. He said, “Actually, I’m a Mercury player too.”

No. 5 thought with a wooden face, these two are Mercury players, if he confesses that he is a Mars, he will definitely be torn apart, right? So he gritted his teeth and said, “Me too!”

So the three Mars players disguised themselves as Mercury residents, their eyes met, and there was a tacit understanding.

In order to infiltrate the enemy camp, No. 3 couldn’t help but suggest, “Then let’s take the initiative to attack? The 6 Mars players have been eliminated, and the number of survivors must be limited.”

Not wanting to be exposed and be besieged, No. 4 nodded and agreed, “That makes sense. Let’s go now and end the game as soon as possible.”

“Except us, there are three survivors. Mercury is about to win!” No. 5 tried to smile and tried his best to maintain a joyful voice, but in fact, the smile was indescribably awkward.

Suddenly, No. 4 rushed towards No. 3. Obviously, in the eyes of No. 4, No. 3, who first announced his identity as a Mercury player, was the most suspicious.

“We are all companions, don’t fight among ourselves!!” Having said that, No. 5 was super happy to help imprison No. 3, and he really wanted to see the Mercury players kill each other.

No. 3 was restrained by No. 5 and could not move. He was so angry that he wanted to kick this guy.

No. 5 looked innocent, saying, “I am helping to mediate the fight.”

“Humph! He is a Mars spy. Don’t try to hide it from me!” No. 4 thought that No. 3 was a Mercury player and wanted to get him out, but he said a high-sounding reason.

With a “swish”, the name tag was peeled off.

The broadcast announced, “Mars resident No. 3 is OUT.”

How is it possible!

No. 4 was stunned.

No. 5 opened his mouth and couldn’t recover for a long time.

No. 3 really thought that he was attacked because he was exposed. He shook his head regretfully and disappeared.

No. 5 was the first to react. He pretended to be calm, smiled and hugged No. 4 to celebrate, “Great! The Mars spy is eliminated!”

In fact, he was cursing wildly in his heart. He finally met a teammate in the same camp, but he was gone… He doesn’t know if he is the last Mars player.

No. 4 twitched his lips, trying to stay calm, pretending to be happy, and proudly puffed out his chest, “Don’t try to get away with it, I’m not a pushover!”

But he was particularly upset in his heart – stupid teammates! Wouldn’t it be better to just tell the truth? If it wasn’t for No. 3’s blind lead, why would he lie?

However, at this time, No. 5 took advantage of the hug and secretly tore off No. 4’s name tag.

Then, he slowly stepped back, showing a smug smile of conspiracy success, and said, “Goodbye.”

No. 4, “???”

No. 5 pointed at himself, and the smile on his lips could not be concealed, “You didn’t expect it, did you? Actually, I’m a Mars player, and I just tore off your name tag.”

He shook the name tag as if he was holding a medal!

No. 4, “…”

So, it was actually three Mars players who were lying to each other? There was no Mercury at all?

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